I realized it has been a little over a month since I have shared anything with any one. I have been keeping busy, maybe not busy enough. The holidays have been keeping me busy like I am sure everyone else is as well. Our Thanksgiving went well. I had everyone over at my house this year to celebrate. Christmas day is ours though to spend at home just the 3 of us. I look forward to that! I have 3 finishes to share. One is by Little House Needleworks, the next one is a prairie schooler design as you can tell it is winter themed. The last one is by the Sampler girl. I am hoping soon to get back into my stitching again actively, more so than I have been. Thanks for stopping by and for taking a peek! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope your holiday season is blessed. Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Finally some finishes!
I realized it has been a little over a month since I have shared anything with any one. I have been keeping busy, maybe not busy enough. The holidays have been keeping me busy like I am sure everyone else is as well. Our Thanksgiving went well. I had everyone over at my house this year to celebrate. Christmas day is ours though to spend at home just the 3 of us. I look forward to that! I have 3 finishes to share. One is by Little House Needleworks, the next one is a prairie schooler design as you can tell it is winter themed. The last one is by the Sampler girl. I am hoping soon to get back into my stitching again actively, more so than I have been. Thanks for stopping by and for taking a peek! I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope your holiday season is blessed. Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Christmas finish!
Not too much going on in my neck of the woods. I would have loved to get this latest finish done sooner but just could not push myself to pick it up on a daily basis like I wanted to, but I have to say I am happy with the results as well! My newest finish is by Lizzie Kate and it is called Christmas is forever. With Thanksgiving being a week away already, I am hoping to fit in some stitching time as well here and there, but we will see. I am having both sides of the family over next week so I need to get my house ready for company. Thanks for stopping by and I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A few small finishes

I have a few more small finishes to share, these were so very quick to stitch and fun as well. I have started to do some wintery / Christmas stitching. The first design is a LHN pattern called Pine Tree Inn and the second one is by Cherry Wood Designs and it is called Wild Snowman.
I hope everyone has a good week and as always thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Been a while...
It has been a while since my last post. A lot has been going on that I am not ready to talk about yet. I have been stitching here and there though. When I look at what I did with my stitching I know I have been keeping busy but it does not seem like I have been. I have a Halloween and a Christmas finish to share. The first one is of Halloween of course! It is by Bent Creek and it is called Spooky Row and the next one is by Lizzie Kate of course! On a personal note my teenage son and his girlfriend went to Homecoming earlier in the month. We were so thrilled to see him go. They both looked wonderful and had an awesome time. My baby is not so much a baby anymore, lol. Thanks for stopping by and for all your kind words!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Some more Fall and Halloween finishes with a bit of Christmas
I have been keeping busy since my last post with my stitching. Not much else to do at the moment so may as well keep my hands busy! The first finish is From Prairie Schooler called Autumn. My second finish I have wanted to do this for a while so I finally grabbed it out of my to do pile and tackled it. It is a Lizzie Kate called Hats off to Halloween. My last finish is a Christmas finish that was so quick and simple to make I was done with this one in 2 days. It is by JBW Designs. It is called Holly Noel. Not much going on in my house to speak of as of late. it is starting to look like fall though in Ohio. Friday is the first day of fall and already when I walk around I can see the leaves changing colors and the weather is cooler, which I love! I love Autumn and Winter. They are my favorite seasons. My son is still adjusting to high school. Seeing as he is a freshman this year he is quickly discovering that there is a lot expected of one with all the work he has to do on a daily basis. He seems to be holding strong though! In a few weeks mid term reports go home so hopefully it all looks good! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave comments, they are always appreciated!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Some Halloween finishes
Been a little while since my last post, but as you can see my hands have been busy with my stitching. My first finish is by La De Da. I have seen other ladies who made this in the past and just knew that someday I would have to stitch this for myself. Now I did! The other 2 finishes are Prairie Schooler finishes of course! Not too much going on in my neck of the woods. It is Labor Day weekend here, so really not much to speak of as far as plans. My husband has to work all weekend so just me and my mopey teenage son, lol. He starts school on Tuesday morning and is not looking forward to the fact that summer will be done for him. For all my friends out there, I hope you have a good and safe and fun holiday weekend! As always thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Some LHN finishes!
Not too much has been going on in my neck of the woods as of late, just been staying at home where it is cool and stitching a lot. I already have my next project lined up that I want to do and wouldn't you know it, it is another LHN design! There just are too many cute designs to choose from. I am feeling much better now, just waiting for this baby to say he is ready to come out because I know I am ready, lol. School will be starting soon for my son he is not looking forward to it, summer always goes by in a flash it seems. At least the weather has been great here in Ohio as of late not too hot if anything it has been cooler, I like that! Hope everyone has a great week and thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A few finishes
It has been a few weeks since my last post, been busy and productive for me. I managed to get a few finishes done as well in between taking it easy. I had dental surgery last week. I was supposed to get 2 teeth removed but only got one tooth removed that day. The doctor wanted to wait if possible after the baby is born so he is not putting unneeded stress on me and the baby. I was making myself nuts over nothing though, The surgery went well and within a day I felt better than I had in almost a month. I am pushing into my eighth month of pregnancy and the best word to describe how I feel is uncomfortable! Mix in the heat of the summer and it makes it even better, lol. On a lighter note, today is also my son's birthday. He turned 14. In less than a month he goes back to school, he will be a high schooler this year, all of a sudden everything is moving so fast.
My 2 finishes were simple but cute, the first one is by LHN and the other one is from a old magazine in my collection. It came from the magazine cross country stitching. As always thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Finally a finish....
I was hoping to get more accomplished this month than I have but at times life has a way of getting in the way and putting things on halt. I have not been feeling too well. Had a lot of dental issues related to the pregnancy, it all started with a chipped tooth and when I got to the dentist he said that I have 2 teeth that are bad off that they need to just come out, so next week I will be having those removed. Not looking forward to it though, in the last month I have been "freaking out" a lot and having panic attacks. So I am scared of having a few teeth pulled and worried that I will have a attack while there. My husband Mike will be there and will be taking the day off of work so he and my son can take care of the house that day. The last time I was pregnant I was 19, I am 34 this time and am finding out that this time around this one is taking so much out of me, because I am always tired and not feeling well.
My birthday was Friday the 22th. It was great!!! My son James got me a gift certificate to 123stitch.com which I already spent, lol. Mike got tickets for me and him to see the musical Chicago. We seen that a few days after my birthday. I loved the show. Was not sure I would like it but was nicely surprised when I got there. My guys helped to make sure it was a great day.
I do have a finish to share this one took me longer than usual because of the fact that I have had massive pain from the dental issues that I have it is hard to want to sit and focus on sewing or reading because the pain is bothersome. This is by Glory Bee, it is called Cabin Sweet Cabin.
Like most of us the heat has been something else in Ohio so I have been hiding inside a lot! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Finishing June with a few finishes
I have been keeping busy with stitching although not as much as I would have liked to do. I was hoping to make the birthday gift for my sister whose birthday was last week but I could not find the mojo to make anything that I liked for my sister so I caved in and got her a present at the store instead. I have however managed to get a few finishes done. The first one is by LHN and the other one is by Willow Ridge Designs. It is called Patchwork Christmas. As you can see from my finishes my mind frame is holiday oriented all of sudden. When summer gets here I like to do my holiday stitching between both Halloween and Christmas. I also was the lucky winner last week of the giveaway on my friend's blog. Mary T had a giveaway of the following design Sea to Shining Sea by Cross eyed Cricket. I don't have a picture of the design to show though. I am hoping to start working on this soon. My birthday is in less than a month and I have 4 designs that I want to tackle this summer if possible but I need to buy the threads needed to get started. Thanks for stopping by and for all the kind words as always!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Finally... Ps finishes and more with a thank you to my friend
I know I had not posted in almost a month here, but I have been stitching, more like at a turtle's pace though because of my Fall/ Halloween finish. I love how it looks now but I was dragging my feet a bit as well with this. Of course no matter how many pictures I have taken of this it does not do it any justice at all as to how nice it looks. I had gotten this pattern from my Friend Mary T from our Christmas exchange, I have actually stitched 3 of the designs she sent me this year, because they just were too beautiful not too. This first one is by Cross Eyed Cricket it is called Gentle Harvest. I also have finally finished the PS Christmas alphabet! I am so pleased that this is done and plan on proudly displaying them better at Christmastime. With summer coming fast a lot of my stitching will be Halloween/fall and Christmas/ winter related. I want to say thank you so much to my friend Mary T for all the lovely designs she sent me, like I said I have stitched 3 of them that she sent, the first one was back in the winter by Hinzeit, the 12 days of Christmas, then LHN's red house in winter as the picture will show of the PS alphabet on display in the trees and then the cross eyed cricket design. I have some quick finishes to do right now for Father's day so it will not take me long. Most of the finishes this month that I will be showing off will be for gifts since Fathers day and my sisters birthday is all coming up in a matter of weeks now. As always thanks for stopping by and for all your kind words.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Too much time on my hands..
I have a few more finishes to share, since I have been a homebody anymore and I no longer work because I decided to quit a while ago since I had been missing so much time with my pregnancy, I had to make a choice because I knew that if I did not I would eventually lose my job anyway from all the time missed, so anymore I spend my days at home mostly and have been doing a lot of sewing and reading. For the longest time, I always had a to do pile on my coffee table and since the new year I have been slowly weeding through it all and I am happy to say that my to do pile has been getting smaller little by little, however a lot of my to do pile is cross stitch patterns that I just keep grabing from, if I have to stay home and not do much I might as well keep busy so I have been keeping my hands busy and then some! My first finish is from Bent Creek it is the May Blooms design. The second one is from my prairie schooler book that I got almost 2 years ago, the book is called Santa and friends, I made the second design from this book, last year I made another one of the designs from the book, all together there is 4 designs in the book, so I only have half way to go, my goal is to get the last 2 done in the coming months because I love how the first 2 have come out already!
Mothers day here was good, it was quiet and that is more than fine with me, a quiet day at home with everyone here is all I need and want and that is what I got, as well as breakfast in bed and dinner being made for me and a small online certificate to go shopping at 123stitch.com! I hope everyone had a good mother's day, and as always thanks for stopping by and for all your kind words.
Monday, May 2, 2011
More stitchy finishes!
I have nothing but time on my hands at the moment, I have been having issues with my pregnancy since late March that have kept me home and in bed a lot. I had to go back to the doctor last week on an emergency basis because I thought I was having a miscarriage, I did not. I have had my moments in April where I was doing way more than I should so maybe that caught up with me. So since I am home all the time anymore I have been doing nothing but a lot of reading and sewing. I have gotten 3 more small finishes done in the last week. Two of the finishes are cards that I made, the piglet one is for my friend Shelli, whose birthday is today the 2th. She already got the card in the mail before her bday so I was happy about that! The other card I made is for a monthly swap I take part in with my friends yahoo group, the third finish is for my inlaws for their anniversary, it is by Lizzie Kate, I am including pics of the finished and framed piece, I think it turned out pretty good! Last week weather wise in Ohio we had 3 days of heavy winds that reached up to 60mph, luckily no damage occurred from all that, just had a lot of branches down in the yard that was easily cleaned up, the one day I decided to leave the front door open because it was 70 outside and my cats love it when the front door and windows are open, I had to sneak a picture of these kids because they were all huddled in front of the door watching the wind blow stuff around in the yard, it was too cute and funny to see! From the left the gray cat is Tamzien, by her is her brother Gisborne, then Bela and Tigger. My kids are always good for a laugh and a smile on a daily basis, I do not know what I would do without them!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Busy stitching week...
I have some more finishes to share, I am almost all done with the PS alphabet! I finished 5 more letters in the last week and still had time for a very small finish by LHN, called snowy pines. I hope everyone had a good Easter, it was a quiet one here, me and my son James tackled making Easter dinner and that was about it, I have been home most of the time anymore because I have not been feeling good. So hence that is why I have been sewing a lot lately, because there is not much else for me to do, lol. Thanks for stopping by and for all your kind words.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
A few small finishes
This week has been pretty quiet at home, my cold has left which is good, I am getting to the point where my pregnancy at the moment is not kicking me in the butt with how it makes me feel everyday with being run down and feeling sick almost daily, so I have been taking advantage of that and finally doing things I want to do, which is get back to my stitching among other things. I have a small finish from Bent creek and then the other 2 finishes are my Prairie Schooler alphabet. I am getting close to finishing these, I look forward to that! The last picture is of my son James, I had to take this picture earlier this week, it was one of those rare mornings where he had breakfast quickly and then got ready and still had enough time to sack on the couch for about 20 minutes before it was time to go, so he ended up falling asleep and Lana decided to take advantage of that, I was joking with James that Lana was telling you to stay home. She has always been more of James cat if anything. She loves to cuddle with him at bedtime as well. Thanks for stopping by and I hope every one that has taken the time to read this has a good week ahead.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Finally some finishes!
I have been away for a while because things have been so busy here and then I have not been feeling well which knocked me off of my feet for a while. First off Mike's parents are both doing great. If anything everyone was amazed at how fast they both were recovering after surgery. Much to every one's relief. It will be a long road for Mike's dad permanently now and with it comes rescrictions that he has to abide by for the rest of his life but it is worth it as well to see that everyone is doing good. Spring has sprung in Ohio for a brief minute, lol. The last few days here it was 80 and sunny so my cats were loving that! Back to being cold now for a short bit before spring decides to stay.
In between everything here when I felt up to it I have been stitching. I finished 6 more of the PS alphabet which only leaves me with 11 more to finish before I can say I have completed them all! My bedroom trees are looking pretty sharp with all my new PS ornies I have been making. I will have to try to remember to take pictures of my trees when they are all done so you can see how they look on display. I also have started a new project in between it is a Lizzie Kate snippet, it is called winter sampler.
In closing I thought I would enclose a picture of my kittens that I got last summer. They are 1 now. These little stinkers make me smile all the time they are so darn cute together and it is so fun to watch them, they are super close, I honestly do think they would be lost without each other with the way they act like they are joined at the hip. Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Some more PS finishes and goings on....
I have finally managed to get my blog updated with some of my Christmas alphabets by Prairie Schooler that I got done, I got letters D,E,F,G,H and I done as well as a Little House Needleworks design that I got from Mary T. I believe it is called red house in winter. I took a picture of what it looks like on my trees. In my bedroom it is called my Christmas room. All year round, I keep my trees up in there and since these fit into my themes for the bedroom they will be on display at all times for me to see, lol. It is nice to look around my room since I seem to be spending a lot of time in there, so it is nice to see all the things I have done over time. I have been quiet for some time about all of my goings on because I have always tended to be that way mostly because I hate to burden others with my problems for the most part so that is why I keep to myself. So this will be one of those rare times that I am letting it all out so to speak. First off tomorrow, the 22th. I will be spending the day at the hospital with Mike. His parents are having surgery. Mike's dad found a kidney donar in his wife so they both will be going under in the morning and will be in the hospital for a while before coming home. After that many will be helping them out because they will not be able to do a lot for themselves for a little while. So things may be a bit busy. The other thing I wanted to share is that for some time me and Mike have been having issues and since May I have taken to sleeping on the couch and we decided to separate again back in October. We still are apart but have been talking and trying to work on things as well since January in between all that something happened that has floored me in so many ways and has at times been leaving me depressed and so many things in between. I found out at the end of January that I am pregnant. I am about 3 months along now, dealing with being tired and sick and blue at times has made me quiet a lot all around. So hopefully my friends who are reading this will understand why I have become so quiet anymore. So much is going on this year and all the things I had planned are on hold now so everything is going to take a bit of time for me to get used to since this was not planned at all. Mike had a vasectomy years ago but I have heard from so many that it has reversed itself for some men after so long. I have to admit I have my good days and then my days where I am scared of starting over and then blue about starting over since I thought all that was behind me. My son will be 14 in August and later that month be a 9th grader in high school. So it really has been a heck of a winter and spring to say the least. Now on with the pictures! If you have stayed this long to read I appreciate you doing so and for all your kind words about my finishes over time. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Some wintery finishes...
I have a few small finishes to share, I have been not feeling so well so in between resting I have been stitching when I feel up to it. My first finish is by LHN, it is called pine tree hill. I have decided to take up tackling doing the Prairie Schooler Christmas Alphabet. I have done A, B and C. It may take me a while to do these, but seeing as how small they are it will not take too much time to stitch. I know the finishing job leaves soemthign to be desired on the alphabets but seeing as they are just ornaments for my tree they will blend in just fine with everything else on my tree I think. Thanks for all that stops by and take the time to leave a comment, have a wonderful week.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March already..
I was hoping to have an update sooner, but I have been sick with a bad cold that is still around a little bit so I spent most of last week in bed because I just felt awful and achy all over. On top of that on Friday last week Ohio got hammered with snow, we had over a foot of snow within a day so I had to go out a few times to shovel the snow, winter is almost over though and soon we will be upon my least favorite part of spring. The beginning of spring it is nothing but cold and wet and muddy all over, by May it looks nice out but first I have to get through the first part of spring. My first finish I had done before I got sick and the picture shows it, lol if you look at the ornament above it will show that this was done last month. This is signs of winter by Bent Creek, I have not worked with perforated paper in some time so I decided to stitch this on that, the picture does not do the finished result justice, my camera is ancient so at times the pictures are not as good as they can be. My other finish is March blows by Bent Creek. I am hoping to have more stitchy finishes soon, I went on a small shopping trip online on Friday at 123stitch.com and already got everything in the mail on Monday. I bought myself the Prairie Schooler book Woodland Santas and lots of floss for my future projects that I want to work on soon! As always thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Been away for a while
I know it has been a little while since my last post. A lot has been going on for some time it just all has come to a breaking point for me a little while ago so for a bit after Christmas I seemed to have lost my stitching mojo. I do have a few finishes to share finally! The first is from Bent Creek. The second finish I got from my friend Mary T from our advent exchange, this design was my day 25 gift. It is from Hinzeit it is called charmed 12 days of Christmas. It probably is hard to make out all the little charms sewn on for each day but if you are familiar with the song 12 days of Christmas then you know what each charm is! I was hoping to be finished with it by now, but I am almost done with another finish as well. It is called signs of winter by Bent Creek. So I should have this one done very soon. Thanks for stopping by and for all the kind words.
Friday, January 14, 2011
New Year, new finishes!
I have been quiet for a wee bit and my stitching has also been limited. After Christmas I was burned out from everything I was doing and then got a cold so I was not doing too much. Once I got better, I felt ready to tackle some stitching. I made the fall and winter bird, I however do not know the designers name I seem to have misplaced the patterns. I also made the January snows design from Bent Creek. I have so much that I want to do in my to do pile that I have to decide what to do next! Thanks for stopping by!
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